mixing memory and desire

miércoles, marzo 11, 2009

el profe rural

hace un rato he encontrado por casualidad el blog de un profesor rural recién destinado a mi pueblo marroquí.
lo que escribe sobre él da idea de lo feliz que se siente allí:

"In the middle of nowhere, in a village called M.
Morocco is the same.. like Rabat, and Casablanca, M. is a failed backward area. Nothing works, nothing can be done... sterile conventions or so called traditions. No nothing...

A male teacher walking with a female teacher can be seen as an attraction, it is interpreted as there is an affair between them...

When teachers meet in the stuff room, male teacher sit in the right of the room, while female teachers sit in the left.. there is a very clear space division.. you can’t have a drink with a female colleague.. no cafes for that.. eyes would devour both of you..

Therefore, there is no fun, no parties, no real socialization.

I have spent the first three months is M. with colleagues living almost together, cooking together, eating together, spending evenings together.. I could not continue like that.. it s not funny at all.. it is quite boring to spend all your time with males.. I enjoy my time more when I’m in a mixed group..

Being with a roommate is not comfortable at all as well.. I could never have been able to focus.. I felt very embarrassed when colleagues visit without prior notice and I had to meet them and talk to them.. it is like interference in private space and for me private space is very sacred..

What do I like to do in my private space and my private time? Well, being with my self makes me feel more balanced and able to evacuate the stress of the day.. I cook, watch news and other funny stuff, work on my drawings, think about things, wash clothes, rest, preparing lesson plans… and to feel relaxed I am really unable to be so if I m with people day and night, indoors and outdoors.. I m afraid of marriage because of this.. Once married, I have to live with my wife full time..lol.. Can i?

These days I am meeting X., a female teacher colleague who lives next door, and we go together to school. It is more fun with her. She is an open minded person. I like that, we have fun.. through her I was able to mingle a bit more with X. and X., a two female teachers as well. We often go together to school and we talk about funny stuff.. it is more interesting.. it is interesting not because these are girls.. it is interesting for me because they are open minded girls and they seem like cool girls and not afraid from talking and sharing views with males..

Most male teachers, but not all, seem to be afraid from the idea of talking to female colleagues and spending with them some time.. it sucks really. Most of us here in this M. are not married and young so why not being a bit daring and rebellious and create an sort of community to make life easy in this remote fucky village..."

cuando he acabado de leer el texto me ha venido a la mente la frase de Anaïs Nin: "We don´t see things as they are, we see things as we are". e inmediatamente me he puesto a pensar en el relativismo: en lo que se ahoga este pobre en M., y en lo liberador que fue para mí vivir allí. independientemente de que uno y otro tuvieramos diferentes expectativas, M. no deja de ser un espacio de posibilidad, y como cualquier otro, hay que explorarlo.

lo de "remote fucky village" me ha llegado al alma!!


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